Presents an analysis of the most recent and reliable statistical information on children in East & South Africa, and examines the factors that lead to exclusion from schooling in the country.
Analyzes the feasibility of measuring learning, and presents a hybrid model for tracking and improving the measurement of learning at both global and national or sub-national levels.
Presents a summary of the innovation metadata collected, mainly in the form of figures and tables, covering some of the critical methodological aspects to be considered when producing and using...
Presents a comparative analysis of 2011 data for ICT integration and e-readiness in schools in Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Palestine and Qatar (Updated in 2016).
The UIS publishes a wide range of publications, including analytical reports, methodological documents, information papers and fact sheets. The majority of publications focus on education issues, reflecting the breadth of related statistics and indicators in the UIS database. There is also a growing number of titles featuring UIS data and analysis in the fields of science, technology and innovation, culture and communication. In addition, the UIS regularly contributes data and analysis to publications produced by other UN organizations. A selection of titles published by UNESCO is available in our online Document Library.