Education Data Release: One in Every Five Children, Adolescents and Youth is Out of School

UIS releases data for reference year 2016

New figures on the number of children out of school worldwide reveal that, despite decades of efforts to get every child into the classroom, progress has come to a standstill. According to data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), about 263 million children, adolescents and youth worldwide (or one in every five) are out school – a figure that has barely changed over the past five years.

SDG4-Education 2030 Steering Committee: Time for a Concerted Push to Help Countries Produce the Best Possible Data

With so many threads coming together.. the task now is to weave them into one coherent whole as we push for the best possible data on education to monitor progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4). And the Fourth SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee Meeting in Paris this week is an opportunity to do just that.

Progress is being made in defining SDG 4 indicators

Calling All Assessment Experts! Online Consultation on Global Framework of Reference for Mathematics

The Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML) is making steady progress in defining the learning outcomes indicators of the SDG 4 monitoring framework. The first step for all of these indicators – whether they refer to adult numeracy, digital literacy or global citizenship skills - is to develop a framework that by listing all of the content and skills can serve as reference to teach, develop and assess children, youth and adults.

Success in Dubai: Pushing Ahead on SDG 4 Data

As we unpack our bags following last week’s meeting of the Technical Cooperation Group (TCG) in Dubai, it seems a good time to unpack our thoughts on the success of the event. Over three days, representatives of countries, technical partners, donors and civil society reviewed progress in developing the indicators and estimating the resources needed to help countries implement the global and thematic monitoring frameworks for Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4).

We Need to Re-Boot the Education Sector with Demand-Side Data Innovation

For years, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and many other international agencies have been assisting countries in producing better education data, which are needed more than ever. The approach has typically been supply-side: capacity building, technical assistance, donation of hardware and software, etc. This has led to significant improvement. For example, today we have much better data on primary school completion rates than we did 20 years ago.