Feature Films and Cinema Data

The UIS is the only statistical agency to provide a global perspective on the world’s most lucrative cultural industry and one of the most popular cultural practices – movie-watching. Demand for data has never been greater as digital technology transforms the ways in which films are produced, distributed and consumed by audiences in theatres and homes.  

Regional Workshop on Educational Expenditure for the Member States in Anglophone Africa

Financing of education remains a key issue for governments and donors. Reliable and comparable statistics on the sources and use of funding are needed to improve education planning, management and resource mobilization. However, many countries are unable to produce the data required for effective monitoring and planning. In this context, the UIS in partnership with the IIEP and the IIEP/Pôle de Dakar and with financial support of the Global Partnership for Education has been implementing a project built around the National Education Accounts methodology.

Cultural Employment

The livelihoods of millions depend on cultural or creative industries of all shapes and sizes – from the weaver in a local cooperative to the crew of a major film production. Yet many countries lack the data to develop the policies to help these industries become engines for sustainable economic growth, as called for in Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8).  

Cultural Employment 2016 Data Release

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is pleased to announce the release of a new database of internationally-comparable cultural employment statistics. The collection includes 195 indicators offering a new perspective on the economic contribution of cultural industries in 63 countries and territories.  

The UIS Data Centre has been updated to include the results of the new UIS Survey on Cultural Employment, conducted in 2015, featuring data for the reference year 2014.  

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

The UIS is the official source of data used to monitor progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) to ensure quality and equitable education for all. In particular, Target 4.a calls upon countries to “build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all”.

Heritage Statistics

Around the world, culture is acknowledged as the cornerstone of identity, providing a sense of belonging and the social and economic cohesion of communities. It is also the foundation of sustainable development, a fact that has been in acknowledged in the Agenda for Sustainable Development. But how should the precise linkages between culture and development be measured?

Regional Workshop on Educational Statistics for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and South Caucasus

The programme of the workshop, in particular,  focused on the thematic and global statistics and indicators required to monitor the education targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  Working with the UIS experts, the participants gained deeper understanding of the UIS role in the monitoring of SDG4 and its work, current and perspective, in this area.

Measuring Women’s Contribution to Culture 

In every society, women are guardians, creators and consumers of culture, but they still face barriers that prevent them from playing an equal role in the cultural sphere.

UNESCO’s standard-setting instruments provide a springboard for the implementation of cultural policies that promote gender equality in culture. However, there are few reliable measures to assess progress towards globally-recognised goals and aspirations.