The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is pleased to announce its annual Spring Data Refresh to fill gaps and increase coverage for SDG indicators for education; research and development (R&...
With just a decade remaining to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals for Education (SDG 4), relevant, timely, and quality data is key to monitoring progress and informing policy responses. This...
The UIS has launched its 2022 Survey of Formal Education for the reference year ending in 2021 to ensure the timely collection of data for the monitoring of SDG4. The questionnaires and the related...
Following the Conference on Education Statistics the UIS has rolled out its 2024 Survey of Formal Education. The survey is sent to 163 UNESCO Member States and territories and comprises four...
A new methodological paper explains the process undertaken by UIS experts to produce internationally-comparable education indicators. Entitled “UIS Indicator Development in the Field of Education”,...
With COVID-19 school closures, teachers are faced with a myriad of challenges – the transition to remote teaching and the safe return to school to name a few. For World Teacher’s Day, the UIS, the...
The UIS is launching its annual 2021 Survey of Formal Education for the reference year ending in 2020 to ensure the timely collection of data for SDG 4. The questionnaires and related materials are...
The UIS Theory of Change shows how to improve the quality of education and learning outcomes globally by catalysing a fundamental shift in the ways in which international education data are produced...