The latest figures on out-of-school-children are sobering, to say the least. According to new data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), progress remains at a standstill. We still have...
Pour célébrer la Journée internationale des femmes (8 mars), l’ISU publie la dernière édition de l’eAtlas UNESCO des inégalités de genre dans l’éducation.
L’eAtlas fournit un large éventail de...
Vous recherchez des données sur l’Objectif de développement durable 4 et l’équité dans l’éducation ? Allez directement à la source avec l’Institut de statistique de l’UNESCO.
Nous offrons différents...
The UIS will be showing the way forward on how to measure equity in education through a series of presentations and panel discussions at the annual conference of the Comparative and International...
Un nouveau rapport montre comment les pays peuvent mesurer les progrès accomplis en matière d’éducation par les groupes les plus marginalisés pour veiller à ne laisser personne pour compte. L’...
A new paper from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), Education and Disability, presents the first in-depth analysis of available data for 49 countries. It confirms that persons with...
It is something we have come to see as self-evident: education is a fundamental right, and without it, our lives – and indeed our world – would be greatly diminished. It is something we even take...
We know it is critical to measure equity in education: the fairness of education provision and quality of learning outcomes, as well as access to schooling, if we are to meet the global goals and...