La Dra. Silvia Montoya ha sido designada Directora del Instituto de Estadística de la UNESCO (UIS) en 2015. El UIS es el repositorio oficial de la ONU para las estadísticas en los campos de la...
On 10 November 2011, UNESCO’s General Conference adopted revisions to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED). As steward of the revision process, the UIS was deeply involved...
New Module to Map Assessments of Children and Youth in School and Out
The UIS has completed the first stage in a major upgrade of its Catalogue of Learning Assessments, which collects a wide range...
The UIS offers a wide range of resources and tools to help countries strengthen the collection, quality and use of their data to monitor progress and achieve the SDG 4-Education 2030 goals. ...
Publications in focus at CIES 2018, Mexico City, 25-29 March 2018
The UIS will be organizing a series of presentations at the conference and will also be hosting a publication stand in the main hall...
Dr Silvia Montoya became the UIS Director in 2015, bringing the Institute extensive experience in a wide range of national and international initiatives to improve the quality, management and use...
The UIS is the primary source for internationally-comparable data in the fields of education, science, culture and communications.
UIS data are used to produce almost every flagship UN report,...