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On Saturday, the world celebrated International Literacy Day. And indeed there was much to celebrate, with literacy rates continuing to rise from one generation to the next, remarkable progress on...
Make your voice heard via an online consultation about the new Global Education Data Portal (GEDP), which is being developed by the UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS). It will be a unique resource...
SDG 4 indicator 4.7.1 reflects the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development So far, this series of blogs on the data needed to monitor progress towards Sustainable Development...
Thinking about studying abroad next year or know someone who is? You’re not alone. International student mobility is on the rise and data show that everyone benefits. Rather than depriving developing...
SDG 4 indicator 4.6.1 shows the proportion of youth and adults with functional literacy and numeracy skills Taken together, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a ‘recipe’ for countries...
Skill development is a critical part of preparing for work in the future – even for jobs that do not yet exist. It goes without saying that a child who cannot read, write or perform at least simple...
Learn about the parity indices used to monitor progress towards Target 4.5, which aims to eliminate inequalities in education. This series of blogs on the indicators for Sustainable Development Goal...
SDG 4 Indicator 4.4.1 measures how many youth and adults have the right information technology skills, giving them a path better jobs As we unpack the data that are needed for the achievement of SDG...



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