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Calculating population-based indicators for monitoring progress towards education goals depends on having reliable and high-quality population data for the number of students at each age-group and...
Girls and women are underrepresented in STEM education and STEM careers. This disparity is alarming as these are often referred to as the jobs of the future – driving innovation, social wellbeing and...
  , By Alasdair Mc William, Head of Unit, Household Surveys and Equity, UNESCO Institute for Statistics Education systems have been severely disrupted by the global coronavirus pandemic. Each country on...,  
  , By Alasdair Mc William, Head of Unit, Household Surveys and Equity, UNESCO Institute for Statistics Education systems have been severely disrupted by the global coronavirus pandemic. Each country on...,  
  , By Alasdair Mc William, Head of Unit, Household Surveys and Equity, UNESCO Institute for Statistics Education systems have been severely disrupted by the global coronavirus pandemic. Each country on...,  
Silvia Montoya, Director, UNESCO Institute for Statistics and Manos Antoninis, Director, Global Education Monitoring Report The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) was...
Silvia Montoya, Director UNESCO Institute for Statistics and Martin Gustafssson, Research on Socio-Economic Policy (ReSEP), University of Stellenbosch The 2020 learning losses equal the gains made...
João Pedro Azevedo, Lead Economist, Education Global Practice, World Bank Group and Silvia Montoya, Director, UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) Our choice of a measure shapes our understanding...



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