The Official Source of Internationally-Comparable Education Data
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Data to Help Close the Gap
Reducing Inequalities in Education by Improving the Measurement, Availability and Use of Data
From Teacher Training to Recruitment: Data to Improve the Quality of Education
Data for the Region Facing the Biggest Challenges
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Tracking Enrolment, Fields of Study and Destinations of Students Globally
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Measuring the World’s Most Lucrative Cultural Industry
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Measuring the Economic Contribution of Culture
The SDG 11.4.1
Tracking Access to and Use of ICT in Classrooms

Latest News

On 4 July 2024, the Education and Data Statistics Commission (EDSC), composed of 28 Member States, met online, with a participation of 150 stakeholders, including the members of the commission and...
What’s the role of culture in our lives and how can we ensure life is enriched, sustainable, peaceful and inclusive for the People and the Planet? What are the culture’s socio-economic effects...
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is pleased to announce the launch of its 2024 Survey of Research and Development (R&D) Statistics. This survey collects data to support the global...
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is excited to announce its annual Spring Data Refresh aimed at filling gaps and increasing coverage for SDG indicators related to education and research and...,  

Data for Sustainable Development - UIS Blog

Calculating population-based indicators for monitoring progress towards education goals depends on having reliable and high-quality population data for the number of students at each age-group and...
Girls and women are underrepresented in STEM education and STEM careers. This disparity is alarming as these are often referred to as the jobs of the future – driving innovation, social wellbeing and...
  , By Alasdair Mc William, Head of Unit, Household Surveys and Equity, UNESCO Institute for Statistics Education systems have been severely disrupted by the global coronavirus pandemic. Each country on...,  