In a recent blog, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and the Global Education Monitoring Report explored how benchmarks can be used to accelerate progress towards SDG 4. To further these...
Presents an Excel tool and projections of proficiency in reading and math among children with the aim of informing global and national target-setting and broader discussions on development in...
Peu de temps après la Conférence sur les Statistiques de l'Éducation, l'ISU a lancé l’Enquête 2024 sur l'Éducation Formelle. L'enquête est envoyée annuellement à 163 États membres et territoires de l...
, By Alasdair Mc William, Head of Unit, Household Surveys and Equity, UNESCO Institute for Statistics
Education systems have been severely disrupted by the global coronavirus pandemic. Each country on...,
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is excited to announce its annual Spring Data Refresh aimed at filling gaps and increasing coverage for SDG indicators related to education and research and...,
Malgré l’augmentation régulière des taux d’alphabétisme depuis un demi-siècle, il reste encore 754 millions d’adultes analphabètes à travers le monde, pour la plupart des femmes. Ces chiffres...