The transition to digital methods of creating, producing and disseminating cultural works has radically changed the conditions surrounding their statistical measurement, calling into question the...
With Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 4), the international community has pledged to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” This will...
Around the world, culture is acknowledged as the cornerstone of identity, providing a sense of belonging and the social and economic cohesion of communities. It is also the foundation of sustainable...
Despite pledges to increase funding for SDG 4, many countries still don’t know how much they are currently spending on education. They don’t have the tools or data to track expenditure by their...
A new methodological paper explains the process undertaken by UIS experts to produce internationally-comparable education indicators. Entitled “UIS Indicator Development in the Field of Education”,...
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics and the UNESCO International Bureau of Education are working together to support national strategies for measuring learning and to enable international reporting...
In its capacity-building efforts, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) has published an easy-to-use guide to help countries administer learning assessments. Data on learning allow governments to...
In continued efforts to build statistical capacity in countries, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) has released a new guide to help countries to initiate learning assessment reforms by...