DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.c.7: Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training.Data sourceEstimates calculated by the UIS using cross-national...
DefinitionIt is defined as activities that develop an individual’s skills, knowledge, expertise and other characteristics as a teacher. Professional development is generally defined locally in the...
DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.7.6: The indicator intends to capture the opportunities provided by education systems for students to develop a set of enabling competencies that underlie the concepts of...
DefinitionCovers the indicators related to the vision/curriculum, pedagogies, teacher training, policies and materials that support breath of skills (BoS) at the system, school and classroom levels...
DefinitionCovers the indicators related to school accountability arrangements and students' assessments for monitoring and supporting breath of skills. The country meets the aspects if it meets two...
DefinitionCovers the indicators related to the institutional arrangements, facilities, budget, policies and practices to support a positive learning environment and to support school engagement with...
DefinitionDigital literacy involves the confident and critical use of a full range of digital technologies for information, communication and basic problem-solving in all aspects of life. It is...
DefinitionLevel 2 of PIAAC Proficiency Levels for Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments: "At this level, tasks typically require the use of both generic and more specific technology...