Glossary term
DefinitionData collected from administrative sources (Ministry of Education, Finance, universities, etc.)Source definitionUNESCO Institute for Statistics
Glossary term
DefinitionEducation specifically targeting individuals who are regarded as adults by the society to which they belong to improve their technical or professional qualifications, further develop their...
Glossary term
DefinitionEnrolment of a specific single age enrolled, irrespective of the level of education, as a percentage of the population of the same age.Data sourceSchool register, school survey or census...
Glossary term
DefinitionSchool participation in household surveys and censuses is commonly measured by whether pupils or students attended a given grade or level of education at least one day during the academic...
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DefinitionWhole range of educational activities, taking place in various settings, that aim to meet basic learning needs as defined in the World Declaration on Education for All (Jomtien, Thailand,...
Glossary term
DefinitionExpenditure for education goods or assets that yield benefits for a period of more than one year. It includes expenditure for construction, renovation and major repairs of buildings and the...
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DefinitionOfficial survey involving the whole population within a defined system. For example, a school census involves all the schools within the education system.Source definitionUNESCO Institute...
Glossary term
DefinitionLevel of government whose political authority extends over the entire territory of the country, such as the federal government.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for Statistics