Enrolment of a specific single age enrolled, irrespective of the level of education, as a percentage of the population of the same age.
School register, school survey or census for data on enrolment by age; population census or estimates for single year school-age population.
UNESCO Institute for Statistics
Divide the number of students of a specific age enrolled in educational institutions at all levels of education by the population of the same age and multiply the result by 100.
Enrolment by single years of age. Population of the corresponding age.
A high ASER denotes a high degree of educational participation of the population of the particular age. The theoretical maximum value is 100%. Increasing trends can be considered as reflecting improving participation of the particular age. If the ASER is below 100%, then the complement, i.e. the difference with 100% provides a measure of the proportion of the population of the particular age who are not enrolled.
If the ASER is below 100%, then the complement, i.e. the difference with 100% provides a measure of the proportion of the population of the particular age who are not enrolled.
This indicator does not give an indication of the grade or the level of education in which pupils or students are enrolled except when it is calculated by level of education.
To show the extent of the educational participation of a specific age cohort.
ASER at each level of education should be based on total enrolment in all types of schools and education institutions, including public, private and all other institutions that provide organized educational programmes. The enrolment and population data should refer to the same date. Further, it must be ensured that the enrolment data covers all levels of education to avoid excluding some members of the age cohort.
By sex and by level of education.