A new database launched today by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) captures the severe educational challenges faced by people with disabilities. The database confirms that people with...
As the custodian agency for SDG 4, the UIS works with countries and a wide range of partners to develop the indicators and methodologies needed to monitor progress towards the global education goal....
On 24-25 January, Buenos Aires will host the first regional ministerial meeting “E2030: Education and Skills for the 21st Century” within the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development...
Representatives of the nine most-populated countries in the world will gather in Dhaka from 5 to 7 February to renew and align their cooperation in light of the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4...
As part of efforts to support global efforts to reach SDG 4, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) through its Centre for Global...
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) has just updated its global database with more recent country-level data to monitor progress towards the Sustainable Development Goal on education (SDG 4)....
The International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity looks to the UIS for leadership in producing the data needed to keep countries and donors on track towards SDG 4. The report...
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is launching the SDG 4 Data Digest 2018: Data to Nurture Learning, which demonstrates how data can contribute to improve learning, as ministers and...