The need to collect essential data
In regards to global indicators, the Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs), composed of Member States and including regional and...
Education Data Release – September 2023
New education data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) released this week track country progress towards Sustainable Development Goal objectives...
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics will be a central partner of a major new initiative launched by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) to help developing countries strengthen their...
UIS releases data for reference year 2016
New figures on the number of children out of school worldwide reveal that, despite decades of efforts to get every child into the classroom, progress has...
New data on the world’s out-of-school children reveal little or no progress for more than a decade, with about 258 million children, adolescents and youth out of school in 2018: around one-sixth of...
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is excited to announce its annual Spring Data Refresh aimed at filling gaps and increasing coverage for SDG indicators related to education and research and...,
The world as a whole gathers only about half of the data needed to monitor progress towards the global education targets, according to a new UIS report, Laying the Foundation to Measure...
New data now available in the SDG 4 database contains information on over 200 countries, including: disaggregated data on the proportion of children and young people achieving at least a minimum...