Total net enrolment rate


Total number of students of the official age group for a given level of education who are enrolled in any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population.

Data source

School register or school census for data on enrolment by age. UNPD population estimates for school-age population.

Source definition

UNESCO Institute for Statistics

Calculation method

Total number of students in the official school age range for the given level of education who are enrolled in any level of education expressed as percentage of the population of the same age group for the given level of education.

Data required

Enrolment by single years of age in all levels of education. Population of the official age group for the given level of education.


The total net enrolment rate is the complementary to 100% of the corresponding out-of-school rate. Hence, the lower the total net enrolment rate, the higher the equivalent rate of out-of-school, and the greater the need to focus on improving access to education.


As other net rates, the total net enrolment rate is affected by the use of different reference points for age for enrolment and population data.


To measure the actual school participation of official school age population for the given level of education.

Quality standards

The total net enrolment rate should be based on total enrolment of the official relevant school age group in any level of education for all types of schools and education institutions, including public, private and all other institutions that provide organized educational programmes.

The UIS sets standards, develops questionnaires and quality control protocols for country data reporting, and maintains the global database on the structure of education, and enrolment data by age. The United Nations Population Division (UNPD) produces and maintains population data. National population data that comply with UIS quality standards can also be used.

Types of disaggregation

By sex and level of education.