Extent to which national education policies and education sector plans recognize a breadth of skills that needs to be enhanced in national education systems


SDG Indicator 4.7.6: The indicator intends to capture the opportunities provided by education systems for students to develop a set of enabling competencies that underlie the concepts of education for sustainable development and global citizenship.
The focus is primarily on the intended, planned and implemented environment and includes information on countries’ incorporation of the breadth of skills at the different levels of the system, from the general sets of policies to the learning in the classroom.

Data source

UIS Survey on Breadth of Skills.

Source definition


Calculation method

For each of the identified aspects (teaching and learning, assessment and accountability, enabling environment) a rubric was developed which defines the rating scale and criteria for a country to be
designated as having achieved a given standard. The scale and criteria are specific to each aspect. Ratings were set as meets, partially meets,
and does not meet.

Data required

National education policies; education sector plans and budgets; national, provisional or state curricula; teacher education standards; centralised school inspection systems


If the country is classified as meeting the criteria in a given aspect, this implies that it has into place the minimum set of criteria that pertain at each aspect (4 for teaching and learning; 2 for assessment and accountability; and 4 for enabling environment) that are related to implementing and promoting a breadth of skills.


Assess if countries are recognising a breadth of skills and fostering opportunities for their development at the system, school and classroom level.

Types of disaggregation

The indicator is reported for the three levels assessed separately Teaching and Learning, Assessment and Accountability and Enabling Environment.