Présente un nouvel indicateur global pour mesurer la cible 4.1 des ODD, montrant que des millions d'enfants peuvent être scolarisés mais n'atteignent pas les seuils minimaux de compétence.
In consultation with a wide range of partners, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is leading efforts to develop a series of new measurement frameworks and indicators to monitor and improve the...
The “Meet the Education 2030 Data” series explains the global and thematic indicators that will be used to monitor Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) and the Education 2030 targets. It offers a...
On the day that the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) released new global numbers of children and adolescents not learning, representatives from regional and international learning assessments...
In its capacity-building efforts, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) has published an easy-to-use guide to help countries administer learning assessments. Data on learning allow governments to...
Explains how countries use data from cross-national assessments in their educational practice and policy, urging countries and donors to invest in large-scale assessments.
As delegates gather in New Delhi for the South Asia Regional Conference on Using Large-Scale Assessments to Improve Teaching and Learning, a new synthesis paper from the UIS makes the case for...