Presenta un resumen del informe que describe el marco y la estrategia para mejorar la calidad de los datos nacionales necesarios para monitorear el ODS 4.
The Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML) is making steady progress in defining the learning outcomes indicators of the SDG 4 monitoring framework. The first step for all of these indicators –...
With so many threads coming together.. the task now is to weave them into one coherent whole as we push for the best possible data on education to monitor progress towards Sustainable Development...
Les nouvelles statistiques du nombre d’enfants non scolarisés dans le monde révèlent que, malgré les efforts menés pendant des décennies pour scolariser tous les enfants, les progrès sont au point...
The latest figures on out-of-school-children are sobering, to say the least. According to new data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), progress remains at a standstill. We still have...