International Women’s Day on March 8 is a time for reflection on the successes that women and girls around the world have made in pursuit of gender equality. But as the theme of the day, ‘Press for...
Pour célébrer la Journée internationale des femmes (8 mars), l’ISU publie la dernière édition de l’eAtlas UNESCO des inégalités de genre dans l’éducation.
L’eAtlas fournit un large éventail de...
The UN Statistical Commission is meeting in New York this week (6-9 March) to discuss a range of data related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). While the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (...
On behalf of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML), we need your feedback on two new framework that will pave the way forward to the first global indicators on digital literacy skills and...
The UIS will be showing the way forward on how to measure equity in education through a series of presentations and panel discussions at the annual conference of the Comparative and International...
As part of the work of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning, this report presents the draft version of the global framework designed to help produce indicator 4.4.2 on the percentage of youth/...
From the cocoa farmer in Ghana using a mobile phone to market crops to the nurse in Sweden using telehealth to check on patients at home – digital literacy is considered an essential set of...
Un nouveau rapport montre comment les pays peuvent mesurer les progrès accomplis en matière d’éducation par les groupes les plus marginalisés pour veiller à ne laisser personne pour compte. L’...