It is something we have come to see as self-evident: education is a fundamental right, and without it, our lives – and indeed our world – would be greatly diminished. It is something we even take...
New analysis confirms that persons with disabilities are nearly always worse off than those without disabilities when it comes to education
Persons with disabilities are among the most marginalised...
A new report, entitled the UNESCO Survey on Intercultural Dialogue 2017, presents the findings of groundbreaking survey developed by the UNESCO Sector for Social and Human Sciences and the UNESCO...
We know it is critical to measure equity in education: the fairness of education provision and quality of learning outcomes, as well as access to schooling, if we are to meet the global goals and...
Only a few of us may not have heard the clarion cries for equity or equality in education, with politicians and others calling for ‘equitable education’ or ‘equality of opportunity’ or ‘equal...
As governments pursue Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) on education, with its strong focus on equity, are they embedding equity at the very heart of their national education plans? Recent...
Où trouver les dernières données pour suivre l’Objectif de développement durable 4 (ODD 4) ? Comment les indicateurs sont-ils produits, et comment les interpréter et les utiliser ? Allez directement...
This week at the Asia-Pacific Meeting on Education 2030 in Bangkok, stakeholders will exchange ideas on how to transform learning. The first step lies in sound data systems to help governments...