A new methodological paper explains the process undertaken by UIS experts to produce internationally-comparable education indicators. Entitled “UIS Indicator Development in the Field of Education”,...
Dans le cadre de ses efforts pour élaborer les méthodologies et les rapports des données de l’Objectif de développement durable 4 (ODD 4), l’ISU invite des experts techniques des organisations...
Présente un nouvel indicateur global pour mesurer la cible 4.1 des ODD, montrant que des millions d'enfants peuvent être scolarisés mais n'atteignent pas les seuils minimaux de compétence.
On the day that the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) released new global numbers of children and adolescents not learning, representatives from regional and international learning assessments...
The theme of this year's International Literacy Day on Friday, 8 September, is ‘Literacy in a Digital World’. The Day aims to highlight the kind of literacy skills people need to navigate this world...
New data on learning are steadily coming on-stream, helping us to gauge the extent to which children and youth, in school and out, are learning acquiring the skills they need to build their lives....