This report provides a brief analysis on where we stand in our global education monitoring (GEM) commitments based on data collected by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) from national...
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, most governments worldwide have implemented policies to contain the disease's spread. While incurring high economic costs, restrictive procedures...
L’ISU a diffusé sa publication de données sur l’éducation la plus importante de l’année : elle comprend une série d’indicateurs récemment élaborés afin de donner des informations sur les Objectifs de...
Examines the availability and reliability of household expenditure data on education for the production and analysis of SDG indicator 4.5.4 and other relevant indicators.
We know too little about education finance: where the money for education comes from, where it goes, and whether it is spent effectively. Drawing on today’s major release of new data, the UNESCO...