Make your voice heard in the IAEG-SDG Open Consultation for the 2020 Comprehensive Review of the Global Indicator Framework
Data users the world over have a unique opportunity to show their support...
The UOE questionnaires collect data on formal education, including personnel, enrolment, graduates, source of funds, demographic data and class size.
Results of the survey will be released in 2020 ...
The UIS has released a new study to help countries and development partners evaluate the costs and benefits, financial and non-financial, of different approaches to measuring learning.
Produced by...
Pour célébrer la Journée mondiale des enseignants, l’ISU a publié la nouvelle édition de son eAtlas sur les enseignants, qui présente un large éventail de données et d’indicateurs fondés sur les...
L’Enquête 2020 sur l’enseignement formel couvre les données clés de l’année scolaire se terminant en 2019 requises pour le suivi des objectifs internationaux et nationaux d’éducation.
Suite à l’...
Two new data resources launched today focus on people with disabilities who are so often disadvantaged and ‘invisible’ when it comes to education. Excluded and uncounted, they are often missing not...
The recent edition of the SDG 4 Data Digest illustrates the range of partners working with the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) to help countries produce and use assessment data to strengthen...
It is time for all donor countries to invest more heavily in education data. This matters because we can’t solve a problem we don’t understand. And it is only too clear that we have some big problems...