On 4 July 2024, the Education and Data Statistics Commission (EDSC), composed of 28 Member States, met online, with a participation of 150 stakeholders, including the members of the commission and observers from Member States, international organizations, NGOs and the donors’ community.

The meetingdiscussedupdates on recent developments related to SDG4 indicators, including coverage , guiding principles and key criteria for reporting, as well as reviewed the SDG 4 global indicator framework and steps towards a review of the SDG4 thematic indicators.

Co-chaired by Silvia Montoya, UIS Director and Manos Antoninis, Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report Director, the dialogueset the tone for the preparation of the work plan 2024-2026 to take forward the recommendations of the Conference on Education data and Statistics and to provide insightful data and informationto the inter-Agency Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDG) in view of the 2025 Comprehensive Review of the Global Indicator Framework.

Four animated sessions populated the morning, with emphasis on updating Member states and stakeholders of the 4.1.1a Global Indicator, presenting the terms of reference of the five working groups(Administrative data/EMIS; Teachers; Education expenditure data; Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML); Household surveys), revising thematic indicators, and delving into the establishment of Two Task Forces, one on Trained Teachers and one focusing on Education in Emergencies- specifically Adjusting Out-of-School Population Estimates for Crisis-Affected Contexts.

The last fifth session approached the theme of Population, the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)applied to the teachers training program and the metadata SDG indicator 13.3.1, the extent to which green content (related to environment, sustainability, climate and biodiversity) is prioritized and integrated in national curriculum policy frameworks and the intended curricula (syllabi) of science and social science subjects in grades 3, 6, and 9.

To access all documents, including concept note, terms of references of task forces and working groups, background documents, decisions of EDSC and Transforming Education Summit and list of presentations, click here