DefinitionData collection or measuring tools such as questionnaires and tests including their instruction manuals or guides.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for Statistics.
DefinitionCollection of related information that enables easy storage, retrieval, processing, and production of information.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for Statistics
DefinitionEducational qualification awarded upon successful completion of specific educational programmes in tertiary education (traditionally by universities and equivalent institutions).Source...
DefinitionOrganisation that provides education, either as a main or ancillary objective. This can be a public educational institution as well as a private enterprise, non-governmental organization or...
DefinitionDeliberate activity, involving some form of communication intended to bring about learning.Source definitionISCED 2011
DefinitionDistribution of the population aged 25 years and above according to the highest level of education attained or completed. Education levels are defined according to the International...
DefinitionBroad term covering three categories: 1- Teaching staff (see Teaching staff); 2- Other pedagogical and administrative personnel (see Other pedagogical and administrative personnel); 3-...
DefinitionCoherent set or sequence of educational activities designed and organized to achieve pre-determined learning objectives or accomplish a specific set of educational tasks over a sustained...