The UIS has published updated data on the human and financial resources devoted to research and experimental development (R&D) for 162 countries and territories. This includes the results of the...
As part of the SDG Agenda 2030, countries have pledged to “build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”. In particular, SDG Target 9.5...
Science, technology and innovation (STI) is increasingly viewed as fundamental to achieving economic and sustainable growth. Crucially, advances in STI could be harnessed to help overcome some of the...
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) has just launched its 2022 Survey of Research and Development (R&D) Statistics for the reference year 2021 to ensure the timely collection of data for...
The data were collected through the Institute’s survey on R&D statistics in partnership with regional and international organizations, including the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and...
The UIS has launched its 2017 Research and Experimental Development (R&D) Statistics Survey to collect a wide range of data for the reference year 2016, including key indicators to monitor...
The UIS has published new data on the human and financial resources devoted to R&D for 157 countries and territories. The release includes data for 2015 reference year, time series data and two...
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) has launched a global consultation on a set of key definitions used in “UNESCO’s Recommendation Concerning the International Standardization of Statistics on...