DefinitionInternal R&D funds are the amount of money spent on R&D that originate within the control of and are used for R&D at the discretion of a reporting statistical unit. Internal R...
DefinitionInternal R&D personnel are persons employed by the statistical unit who contribute to the unit’s intramural R&D activities.Data sourceR&D surveys.Source definitionOECD (2015),...
DefinitionLabour costs, or compensation of employed personnel, comprise annual wages and salaries and all associated costs or fringe benefits, such as bonus payments, stock options, holiday pay,...
DefinitionLand and buildings include land acquired for R&D use (e.g. testing grounds, sites for laboratories and pilot plants) and buildings constructed or purchased for R&D use, including...
DefinitionMachinery and equipment cover major (i.e. capitalised) machinery and equipment acquired for use in the performance of R&D.Data sourceR&D surveys.Source definitionOECD (2015),...
DefinitionOther current costs comprise non-capital purchases of materials, supplies, equipment and services to support R&D performed by the statistical unit in the reference year. Examples are...
DefinitionOther intellectual property products include the costs for purchased patents, long-term licences or other intangible assets used in R&D, and which are in use for more than one year....
DefinitionPrivate non-profit expenditure on R&D (PNPERD) represents the component of GERD incurred by units belonging to the Private non-profit sector (see the definition of Private non-profit...