DefinitionExternal R&D funds are the amount of money spent on R&D that originate outside the control of a reporting unit.Data sourceR&D surveys.Source definitionOECD (2015), Frascati...
DefinitionExternal R&D personnel (or contributors) are independent (self-employed) or dependent (employee) workers fully integrated into a statistical unit’s R&D projects without formally...
DefinitionGovernment budget allocations for R&D (GBARD) encompass all spending allocations met from sources of government revenue foreseen within the budget, such as taxation. Spending...
DefinitionGovernment tax relief for R&D expenditures (GTARD) describes tax relief provisions that apply to taxpayers strictly as a result of their engagement in R&D performance and/or funding...
DefinitionGross national expenditure on R&D (GNERD) comprises total expenditure on R&D financed by a country’s institutions regardless of where the R&D is performed. As such, it includes...
DefinitionInternal R&D funds are the amount of money spent on R&D that originate within the control of and are used for R&D at the discretion of a reporting statistical unit. Internal R...
DefinitionInternal R&D personnel are persons employed by the statistical unit who contribute to the unit’s intramural R&D activities.Data sourceR&D surveys.Source definitionOECD (2015),...
DefinitionLabour costs, or compensation of employed personnel, comprise annual wages and salaries and all associated costs or fringe benefits, such as bonus payments, stock options, holiday pay,...