DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.1.5: Percentage of pupils in each level of education (primary and lower secondary general education) who are at least 2 years above the intended age for their grade. The...
DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.1.7: Number of years of primary and secondary education to which children and young people are legally entitled that are either free from tuition fees or compulsory or both...
DefinitionFree education refers to the years or grades during which children and young people are entitled to education which is free of tuition fees.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for Statistics
DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.3.3: Percentage of young people aged 15-24 years participating in technical or vocational education either in formal or non-formal (e.g. work-based or other settings)...
DefinitionTechnical-vocational education programme is designed for learners to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies specific to a particular occupation, trade, or class of occupations or...
DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.4.1: The proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill as defined as the percentage of individuals that have...
DefinitionExpenditure on education refers to expenditure on core educational goods and services, such as teaching staff, school buildings, or school books and teaching materials, and peripheral...
DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.6.3: Number of youth (aged 15-24 years) and adults (aged 15 years and older) participating in literacy programmes expressed as a percentage of the illiterate population of...