DefinitionSurvey that is conducted with few individuals of the target population or the sample of a survey, in order to test and refine the survey instruments (questionnaire and instruction manual,...
DefinitionRelease of data to users through various media (new media and traditional media) such as internet or online media, press conference or release, article in print newspaper, television or...
DefinitionProcess of assigning numerical values to responses that are originally in a given format such as numerical, text, audio or video. The main objective is to facilitate the automatic treatment...
DefinitionProcess of entering data in a database system, particularly when the data collection was not computer-assisted.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for Statistics
DefinitionSeries of manual, automatic or electronic operations such as validating, sorting, summarising, and aggregating data. These operations are usually followed with data retrieval,...
DefinitionSubset of individuals from a specific population, formed according to a selection process (with or without replacement and at random or not). A sample that is formed through the random...
DefinitionMethod of designing a sample based on a (sampling) frame that contains all individuals of the target population. Methods of sampling a population depend on many parameters such as the...
DefinitionNewly recruited teachers are teachers entering the teaching profession at a given level of education for the first time during the school year.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for...