DefinitionGroup of persons who jointly experience a series of events over a period of time. A school cohort is defined as a group of pupils who enter the first grade of a given cycle in the same...
DefinitionAbility to mobilise and use internal resources such as knowledge, skills and attitude, as well as external resources such as databases, colleagues, peers, libraries, instruments etc., to...
DefinitionUnit of instruction comprising a sequence of educational activities in a particular field or range of related fields of education. This can also be referred to as a ‘module’, ‘unit’ or ‘...
DefinitionData collection or measuring tools such as questionnaires and tests including their instruction manuals or guides.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for Statistics.
DefinitionCollection of related information that enables easy storage, retrieval, processing, and production of information.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for Statistics
DefinitionEducational qualification awarded upon successful completion of specific educational programmes in tertiary education (traditionally by universities and equivalent institutions).Source...