This document is the first in a new series of regional reports to map regional and SDG 4 targets and to provide an overview of the symmetries between the two. Continental Overview: Bridging CESA and...
Esta edición 2020 del Compendio de datos sobre el ODS 4 hace foco en las encuestas de hogares como un importante complemento a los datos administrativos recolectados en escuelas, y demuestra de qué...
This 2020 edition of the SDG 4 Data Digest focuses on household surveys as an important complement to the administrative data collected in schools and demonstrates how they can help countries remain...
Cette édition 2020 du Rapport sur les données de l'ODD 4 se concentre sur les enquêtes auprès des ménages en tant que complément important des données administratives recueillies dans les écoles et...
The UIS is the custodian agency for Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) on education and is in charge of collecting and disseminating data for the indicators used to monitor progress toward the...
Ce document est le premier d'une nouvelle série de rapports régionaux visant à cartographier les objectifs régionaux et ceux du SDG 4 et à donner un aperçu des symétries entre les deux.
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) updates its database three times a year as new data from Member States become available through the annual surveys.
For the data refresh taking place on 3...
By Friedrich Huebler, Head of Education Standards and Methodology at the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS)
It is not enough to simply collect data. Data that are useful for monitoring progress...