DefinitionProgrammable electronic device that can store, retrieve and process data, as well as share information in a highly-structured manner. It performs high-speed mathematical or logical...
DefinitionRoom or space equipped with computers (networked or not) devoted to pedagogical use in a school including school libraries. A computer laboratory must be safe from any disruptive, non-...
DefinitionComputers used by non-teaching staff to assist with school management. Such usage may include record-keeping or data processing and analysis of registration and daily attendance in classes...
DefinitionComputers used by pupils and teachers to support course delivery or independent teaching and learning needs. This may include:• Activities using computers or the Internet during a lesson in...
DefinitionComputing course refer to the instruction of system design, computer programming, coding, data processing, networks, operating systems, and software development. It does not include...
DefinitionExpenditure on goods and services for operating ICT-assisted instruction which are consumed within the current year and which may need to be renewed for subsequent year(s).Data sourceBudget...
DefinitionICT-enabled distance education programmes offered at ISCED levels 5 and 6. (See also definition for ICT-enabled distance education programme.)Data sourceStatistical unit of the Ministry of...
DefinitionElectronic collections of pedagogical material (e.g. e-books, scientific journals, databases, virtual laboratories and educational software) to which educational institutions have...