Glossary term
DefinitionRegular employees' who have contracts which only can be terminated for specified causes such as incompetence, serious misconduct, or for economic reasons according to national legislation...
Glossary term
Definition“Regular employees” whose contract of employment specifies a particular date of termination.Source definitionILO 1993 - Resolution concerning the International Classification of Status in...
Glossary term
DefinitionSecond job in which the second longest hours are usually worked.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for statistics
Glossary term
DefinitionJobs where remuneration is directly dependent upon the profits (or the potential for profits) derived from the goods and services produced. The self-employed include employers, own-account...
Glossary term
DefinitionEmployees holding a job where employment is expected to terminate after a defined period of time or after a defined task is completed, except regular employees with fixed-term contracts....
Glossary term
DefinitionAll those of working age who were not in employment, carried out activities to seek employment during a specified recent period and were currently available to take up employment given a...
Glossary term
DefinitionWorkers who hold explicit or implicit contracts of employment where the timing and duration of the contract is significantly influenced by seasonal factors such as the climatic cycle,...
Glossary term
DefinitionWorkers who hold explicit or implicit contracts of employment which are expected to last longer than the period used to define “casual workers", but shorter than the one used to define "...