DefinitionThe highest ISCED level of education an individual has successfully completed. This is usually measured with respect to the highest educational programme successfully completed which is...
DefinitionNumber of films screened at least once in the reference year and which had their first public showing in a cinema during the reference year or the year before. The reference year starts on...
DefinitionCommercial establishment that is engaged in the selling, renting, lending or exchanging of feature films to cinemas. They can also be responsible for the marketing and promotion of feature...
DefinitionEach film title which is broadcast should be counted once. Multiple transmissions and retransmissions should not be included.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for Statistics
DefinitionCompany owned or controlled by more than 50% by foreign companies with headquarters outside the country.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for statistics
DefinitionOwnership or control of the company is equally shared (50/50) among national and foreign companies.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for statistics
DefinitionOwnership or control of the entity is equally shared (50/50) among national and foreign entities. It may include cinema chains (big circuits).Source definitionUNESCO Institute for Statistics