Glossary term
DefinitionIndoor cinema site that has eight screens or more.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for statistics
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DefinitionNon-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and...
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DefinitionEntity owned or controlled by more than 50% by entities with headquarters in the country. It excludes foreign affiliates.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for statistics
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DefinitionCompany owned or controlled by more than 50% by companies with headquarters in the country. It excludes foreign affiliates.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for statistics
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DefinitionNationally-produced feature film includes 100% nationally-financed feature films and international coproductions. It excludes production of foreign feature films of which nationally-...
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DefinitionNatural heritage refers to natural features, geological and physiographical formations and delineated areas that constitute the habitat of threatened species of animals and plants and...
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DefinitionAverage number of seats per screenSource definitionUNESCO Institute for statisticsCalculation methodNumber of seats divided by the number of screens.
Glossary term
DefinitionSample survey, which aims to ascertain or elucidate opinions possessed by the members of a given human population with regard to certain topics.Source definitionOrganisation for Economic Co...