DefinitionStatement that summarizes economic transactions between residents and nonresidents during a specific time period.Source definitionIMF, Balance of Payments and International Investment...
DefinitionTotal of market share, based on Gross Box Offices or admissions, of the three leading exhibiting or distributing companies. Market shares should be calculated on the basis of all films in...
DefinitionSurveys conducted on the full set of observation objects belonging to a given population or universeSource definitionUnited Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) and Economic Commission for...
DefinitionMeasures taken to extend the life of cultural heritage while strengthening transmission of its significant heritage messages and values. In the domain of cultural property, the aim of...
DefinitionOne of the main branches of intellectual property. It applies to “every production in the literary, scientific and artistic domain, whatever may be the mode or form of its expression. The...
DefinitionProducts that are produced by artisans, either completely by hand or with the help of hand-tools or even mechanical means, as long as the direct manual contribution of the artisan remains...
DefinitionActivities which embody or convey cultural expressions, irrespective of the commercial value they may have. Cultural activities may be an end in themselves or they may contribute to the...
DefinitionProduction of culture as a result of a series of interlinked processes or stages that together form the culture cycle, value chain or supply chain.Source definitionUIS, 2009 UNESCO...