What’s the role of culture in our lives and how can we ensure life is enriched, sustainable, peaceful and inclusive for the People and the Planet? What are the culture’s socio-economic effects...
DefinitionA feature film produced entirely by one or more producers of national origin without any financial involvement by foreign producers.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for statistics
DefinitionNumber of feature film tickets sold during the reference year.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for statistics
DefinitionServices carried out by companies and individuals mainly engaged in the planning, creation and production of advertising campaigns.Source definitionUIS, 2009 UNESCO Framework for Cultural...
DefinitionFeature film produced using a celluloid film (e.g. 35 mm format).Source definitionUNESCO Institute for statistics
DefinitionTechnique in which each frame of a film is produced individually, whether generated as a computer graphic, photographing a drawn image, or repeatedly making small changes to a model unit (...
DefinitionServices provided by companies or individuals concerned with all aspects of the built environment. Services primary include the design of new residential, commercial and industrial...
DefinitionTicket price is calculated as the total revenues generated from tickets sales divided by the number of feature film tickets sold during the year of reference.Source definitionUNESCO...