Glossary term
DefinitionAll those of working age who were not in employment, carried out activities to seek employment during a specified recent period and were currently available to take up employment given a...
Glossary term
DefinitionWorkers who hold explicit or implicit contracts of employment where the timing and duration of the contract is significantly influenced by seasonal factors such as the climatic cycle,...
Glossary term
DefinitionWorkers who hold explicit or implicit contracts of employment which are expected to last longer than the period used to define “casual workers", but shorter than the one used to define "...
Glossary term
DefinitionEducation models that employ ICT to support, enhance and enable the delivery of education. Any, all or combinations of the following types of ICTs are included: radio, television, computers...
Glossary term
DefinitionUse of the Internet to deliver instructional materials on a computer or through other devices, in accordance with learners’ pedagogical needs. This mode of instruction helps to develop...
Glossary term
DefinitionPhysical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses or activities, which in turn hinder learning.Data sourceStatistical unit of the Ministry of Education or, alternatively...
Glossary term
DefinitionAny pre-service or in-service teacher-training programme that is accredited or sanctioned by the relevant national education authorities or equivalent authorities (e.g. Ministry of...
Glossary term
DefinitionComputers where users simultaneously operate from a single central processing unit (CPU) and server while possessing their own individual monitors and keyboards.Data sourceStatistical unit...