Glossary term
DefinitionOccurs when one company operates in more than one media sector (e.g. Television channels or licenses and newspapers).Data sourceMinistry of Communications or Telecommunications, National...
Glossary term
DefinitionNewspaper that is published at least four times per week and mainly reporting events that have occurred since the previous issue of the newspaper.Data sourceMinistry of Communications or...
Glossary term
DefinitionElectronic signal transmitted as binary code based on the presence or absence of current, high and low voltages or short pulses at a particular frequency. Digital technology based...
Glossary term
DefinitionNewspaper is printed and distributed as a hard copy only.Data sourceMinistry of Communications or Telecommunications, National Statistical Organizations, Audiovisual Regulatory Authority or...
Glossary term
DefinitionPrinted as a hard copy and also published online. The online newspaper can be a free or paid version of the print newspaper.Data sourceMinistry of Communications or Telecommunications,...
Glossary term
DefinitionNewspaper published only on the internet, which is regularly updated based on the periodicity or as frequently as required. Non-professional publications such as blogs are excluded.Data...
Glossary term
DefinitionEntities legally authorized (if required) to provide at least one radio and/or television channel specifically edited for the domestic population of a given country and transmitted in...
Glossary term
DefinitionProgrammes that are produced by companies (broadcasters or commissioned producers) located in the country and specifically targeted to the domestic populationData sourceMinistry of...