Glossary term
DefinitionEducation that is designed to develop learners’ general knowledge, skills and competencies and literacy and numeracy skills, often to prepare students for more advanced educational...
Glossary term
DefinitionInstitution that is controlled and managed by a non-governmental organization (e.g. a church, a trade union or a business enterprise, foreign or international agency), or its governing...
Glossary term
DefinitionInstitution that is controlled and managed directly by a public education authority or agency of the country where it is located or by a government agency directly or by a governing body (...
Glossary term
DefinitionEducation that is designed for learners to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies specific to a particular occupation or trade or class of occupations or trades. Vocational...
Glossary term
DefinitionTeacher who has fulfilled at least the minimum organized teacher-training requirements (pre-service or in-service) to teach a specific level of education according to the relevant national...
Glossary term
DefinitionBasic computer skills courses cover the most common usages of a computer, including a majority or all of the following: understanding the basic notions of computer manipulation; managing...
Glossary term
DefinitionWebsite that allows collaborative and interactive learning between learners and with their teachers affiliated (or not) to the same educational institution through uploads of texts,...
Glossary term
DefinitionExpenditure on ICT assets within the context of educational institutions that last longer than one year. It includes expenditure on construction, renovation and major repairs of...