Glossary term
DefinitionMedia is interactive when either i) two or more objects have an effect on one another; ii) the user can effect a change on an object or within the environment (users playing videos games);...
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DefinitionFeature film produced involving financial participation of one or more producers of national origin and one or more producers from other countries. It can be a majority, a minority or...
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DefinitionStandard household-based survey of work-related statistics.Source definitionInternational Labour Organization (ILO), 2010.
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DefinitionDesign of lands and gardens for human use. Usually, this relates to the design of and adjacent to buildings, either private or public, but the design can also relate to large public areas...
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DefinitionOrganisation, or part of an organisation, whose main aims are to build and maintain a collection and to facilitate the use of such information resources and facilities as are required to...
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DefinitionProduction of a feature film where the producers of national origin provide the largest share of financing.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for statistics
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DefinitionProduction of a feature film where the producers of national origin provide less than the largest share of financing.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for statistics
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DefinitionIndoor cinema site that has eight screens or more.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for statistics