DefinitionDonations by individuals refer to cash and in kind donations given by an individual or physical person.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for Statistics
DefinitionDonations by legal entity refer to any cash or in kind contributions given as a gift by a legal entity (corporation, enterprise, etc.). This kind of donation is also known as a corporate...
DefinitionCorporate sponsorships refer to financial or in kind contributions by the business sector in exchange for benefits in the form of advertising, reputation, promotion, etc. Corporate...
DefinitionIncome from admissions/membership fees/selling services and goods refers to the amount of money received from entry sales through households or membership fees or selling services and goods...
DefinitionOfficial Development Aid refers to the flows of official financing given with the objective to promote economic development and welfare in developing countries and are concessional in...
DefinitionDonations by bilateral and multilateral sources refer to any cash and in kind contributions given to another organization as a gift by a bilateral party (foreign state) or multilateral...
DefinitionTotal heritage expenditure refers to private and public spending on the conservation, protection and preservation of heritage. Total expenditure comprises public and private expenditure for...
DefinitionSDG Indicator 11.4.1: Total per capita expenditure on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural and natural heritage, by source of funding (public, private), type of...