DefinitionThe value of imported cultural goods of a particular country expressed as percentage of the world value of cultural goodsData sourceCustoms statisticsSource definitionUNESCO Institute for...
DefinitionThe conservation of cultural heritage refers to the measures taken to extend the life of cultural heritage while strengthening transmission of its significant heritage messages and values....
DefinitionThe conservation of natural heritage refers to the protection, care, management and maintenance of ecosystems, habitats, wildlife species and populations, within or outside of their natural...
DefinitionThe aim of preservation is to obviate damage liable to be caused by environmental or accidental factors, which pose a threat in the immediate surroundings of the object to be conserved....
DefinitionProtection is the act or process of applying measures designed to affect the physical condition of a property by defending or guarding it from deterioration, loss or attack, or to cover or...
DefinitionPublic expenditure refers to spending on heritage incurred by public funds. Public funds are state, regional and local government bodies (adapted from the OECD glossary). Expenditure that...
DefinitionDirect public expenditure includes subsidies, grants and awards. Direct expenditure comprises generally spent on personnel, goods and services, capital investment and other heritage...
DefinitionA transfer is a transaction in which one institutional unit provides a good, service, or asset to another unit without receiving from the latter any good, service or asset in return as a...