DefinitionFirms that implemented product innovation and did not implement process innovation, regardless of organizational or marketing innovation.Source definitionUIS Questionnaire on Innovation...
DefinitionCapitalised computer software includes the costs of computer software that is used in the performance of R&D for more than one year. It includes long-term licences or the acquisition of...
DefinitionExchange funds for R&D are funding flows from one statistical unit to another statistical unit in return for the performance of R&D and the delivery of relevant R&D outcomes....
DefinitionExternal R&D funds are the amount of money spent on R&D that originate outside the control of a reporting unit.Data sourceR&D surveys.Source definitionOECD (2015), Frascati...
DefinitionExternal R&D personnel (or contributors) are independent (self-employed) or dependent (employee) workers fully integrated into a statistical unit’s R&D projects without formally...
DefinitionGovernment budget allocations for R&D (GBARD) encompass all spending allocations met from sources of government revenue foreseen within the budget, such as taxation. Spending...
DefinitionGovernment tax relief for R&D expenditures (GTARD) describes tax relief provisions that apply to taxpayers strictly as a result of their engagement in R&D performance and/or funding...
DefinitionGross national expenditure on R&D (GNERD) comprises total expenditure on R&D financed by a country’s institutions regardless of where the R&D is performed. As such, it includes...