Ambitious goals demand more and better data, which is why the Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators is meeting today in Ottawa. Experts from countries and international agencies including...
The world's education systems vary widely in terms of structure and curricular content. Consequently, it can be difficult to compare national education systems with those of other countries or to...
As the Inter-agency and Expert Group Sustainable Development Goal indicators (IAEG–SDG) meets in Ottawa from 28-31 March, the UIS has released a paper that calls for a data revolution in education...
Recommends a data revolution in education built on the foundation of national statistical systems, supported by international organizations in a global compact for monitoring the education SDG.
As part of UNESCO’s Capacity Development for Education (CapED) Programme, the UIS is launching a new effort to help bridge the gap between national education policies, data collection and use.
To mark International Women’s Day 2017 (March 8), the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is launching a new edition of the eAtlas of Gender Inequality in Education to show where girls and women...
This questionnaire is designed to collect internationally comparable data on formal education at the tertiary level necessary for the evaluation and monitoring of education systems worldwide. The...
On International Women’s Day, social media channels light up with a flurry of messages and infographics about gender equality. While we welcome this spotlight on data, we also need to look beyond the...