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DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.c.6: Percentage of teachers at a given level of education leaving the profession in a given school year.Data sourceAdministrative data from schools and human resources...
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DefinitionSDG indicator 4.4.2: Percentage of youth/adults who have achieved at least a minimum level of proficiency in digital literacy skills.Digital literacy involves the confident and critical use...
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DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.6.2: The youth literacy rate is defined by the percentage of the population aged 15 to 24 years that can read and write. It is typically measured according to the ability...
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DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.5.1: Parity indices require data for the specific groups of interest. They represent the ratio of the indicator value for one group to that of the other. Typically, the...
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DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.7.1: The indicator measures the extent to which countries mainstream Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in their education...
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DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.5.3: The indicator includes both (a) a medium-term perspective approach; and (b) a longer-term one:(a) Degree of national financing policy’s commitment to equalise education...
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DefinitionThe recommended measure for SDG 4.2.1 is the Early Childhood Development Index 2030 (ECDI2030) which is a 20-item instrument to measure developmental outcomes among children aged 24 to 59...
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DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.1.2: Percentage of a cohort of children or young people aged 3-5 years above the intended age for the last grade of each level of education who have completed that grade....

