Glossary term
DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.2.4: Total enrolment in (a) pre-primary education and (b) early childhood educational development regardless of age expressed as a percentage of the population of the...
Glossary term
DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.3.2: Total enrolment in tertiary education regardless of age expressed as a percentage of the population in the 5-year age group immediately following upper secondary...
Glossary term
DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.5.4: Total initial funding from government (central, regional, local), private (households and other private) and international sources for a given level of education (pre-...
Glossary term
DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.c.1: Percentage of teachers by level of education taught (pre-primary, primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education) who have received at least the minimum...
Glossary term
DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.c.3: Percentage of teachers by level of education taught (pre-primary, primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education) who have at least the minimum academic...
Glossary term
DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.4.3: Distribution of the population aged 25 years and above according to the highest level of education attained or completed. This indicator is usually presented for age...
Glossary term
DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.c.2: Average number of pupils per trained teacher at each level of education (pre-primary, primary, lower and upper secondary education) in a given academic year.A trained...
Glossary term
DefinitionSDG Indicator 4.c.4: Average number of pupils per qualified teacher at each level of education (pre-primary, primary, lower and upper secondary education) in a given academic year.A...

